Sunday, April 11, 2010

Facial hair removal creams

How bothersome facial hair is, is really a personal matter. The eyebrows, the chin, the upper lip, the hair inside the nose, and the hair that covers the face can all be problematic, especially for women and especially if it's considerably darker than the surrounding skin.

So is there a 'best' way to remove unwanted facial hair? Whether it's truly effective or it's just something that's been passed down through the generations, shaving is the method of choice for today's man for removing unwanted facial hair. Shaving creams, gels, foams and other products facilitate the shaving process and help reduce skin irritation. But for women suffering with unwanted facial hair, their choices are not so obvious.

Women with excessive facial hair usually see it along the upper

lip, down the sides of the face, and on the chin. Because facial hair is typically much more than a few wayward hair follicles, plucking these areas isn't an effective method. It's time-consuming and painful! What's needed instead is a method designed for more widespread removal like depilatories and waxing or even electrolysis or laser treatment.

Depilatories are an inexpensive, short-term facial hair removal option. Extreme care must be taken when using on the face as these products can irritate and even burn facial skin. And because depilatories only dissolve visible hair, this method must be repeated frequently as new hair growth appears. The upside is, this process is inexpensive and can be done in the privacy of your own home.

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